
中川 登美子(D3)
・“The Characteristics of Acceptance of the Theatre of the Absurd by Tetsuo ARAKAWA: The Case of The Zoo Story ”, The 5th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference In/Out of Asia, proceedings, 2017, pp4-11.
・「劇的複合空間の実践ー竹内健による演劇活動をめぐってー」『演劇学論叢』第16号、大阪大学大学院文学研究科演劇学研究室、2017/3, pp.42-65.
・"The Aesthetics od Disappearance": The Case of Ken TAKEUCHI's Works in the 1960s, The 4th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference; Asian Theatricality and Identity, proceedings, Theatre Studies Section, Graduate School of Letters, Osaka University, 2016, pp.20-26.
・Nicolas Bataille’s Productions in Japan in the 1970s, Forum of Theatre and Drama, Korea National University of Arts, 2015/12, pp.591-605.
・「青年座初演『禿の女歌手』の意義ー石澤秀二による「対応」をめぐってー」『フィロカリア』第32号、待兼山芸術学会、2015/3, pp.23-44.
・Premiere of The Bald Soprano by the Seinenza Theatre Company in 1968,Forum of Theatre and Drama, Korea National University of Arts, 2014/12, pp.261-275.
・A multilingual Production of Ionseco’s ‘The Bald Soprano’ directed by Mattia S. Giorgetti, at International SCOT, Toga, 2013, Forum of Theatre and Drama, Korea National University of Arts, 2013, pp.322-329.
・“The Characteristics of Acceptance of the Theatre of the Absurd by Tetsuo ARAKAWA: The Case of The Zoo Story”, The 5th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference In/Out of Asia, Korea National University of Arts Seokwandong Campus, 24 November 2017.
・"The Aesthetics od Disappearance": The Case of Ken TAKEUCHI's Works in the 1960s, The 4th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference; Asian Theatricality and Identity、大阪大学中之島センター、2016/11/4.
・Influence of Nicolas Bataille to Post-war Japanese Shingeki, The 3rd Asian Theatre Conference; Towards a New Conception of Asian Theatre Studies, Shanghai Theatre Academy, 2015/11/6.
・「日本における「不条理劇」受容の一断面ー冥の会『ゴドーを待ちながら』をめぐってー」待兼山芸術学会 第25回総会、大阪大学シグマホール、2015/3/29.
・Premiere of The Bald Soprano by the Seinenza Theatre Company in 1968, The 2nd Asian Theatre Conferene; A New Perspective of Theatre Studies, Korea National University of Arts, 2014/11/7.
・A Multilingual Production of Ionesco’s The Bald Soprano, directed by Mattia S. Giorgetti, at International SCOT, Toga, 2013、国際日韓演劇会議「現代アジア演劇の新しい風景」、大阪大学待兼山会館、2013/11/11.
垣沼 絢子(D3)
・Sexual Liberation and Historical Continuity of Early Strip Shows in Japan: An Experiment by Hata Toyokichi and Okada Keikichi., Forum of Theatre and Drama, Korea National University of Arts,2018/12/11, pp.291-312.
・UTSU Hideo and American Revue A comparison of Broadway (1930) and Manhattan Rhythm (1937), The 4th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference; Asian Theatricality and Identity, Theatre Studies Section, Graduate School of Letters, Osaka University, 2016, pp.81-86.
・The Takarazuka and the Representation of France in Blue Trunk(1939), Forum of Theatre and Drama, Korea National University of Arts, 2015/12, pp544-558.
・Takarazuka and Revue "Mon Paris"- How did Takarazuka import Revue from France, Forum of Theatre and Drama, Korea National University of Arts, 2014/12, pp248-260.
・Sexual Liberation and Historical Continuity of Early Strip Shows in Japan: An Experiment by Hata Toyokichi and Okada Keikichi,The 6th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference: Controversy and Conciliation, Taipei National University of the Arts, 2018/11/3.
・UTSU Hideo and American Revue A comparison of Broadway (1930) and Manhattan Rhythm (1937), The 4th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference; Asian Theatricality and Identity、大阪大学中之島センター、2016/11/5.
・The Takarazuka and the Representation of France in Blue Trunk(1939), The 3rd Asian Theatre Conference; Towards a New Conception of Asian Theatre Studies,Shanghai Theatre Academy, 2015/11/6.
・Takarazuka and Revue "Mon Paris"- How did Takarazuka import Revue from France, The 2nd Asian Theatre Conferene; A New Perspective of Theatre Studies, Korea National University of Arts, 2014/11/6.
金 潤貞(D3)
・The Origin of Ota Shogo’s “Silence”: Focusing on The First Work of the Okinawa Trilogy, Nine Scenes on a Bus (1969), The 6th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference: Controversy and Conciliation, proceedings, Taipei National University of the Arts, 2018/11, pp.150-157.
・「太田省吾の「沈黙」の発端--初期三部作から--」待兼山芸術学会 第29回 総会・研究発表会, 2019/3/30.
・The Origin of Ota Shogo’s “Silence”: Focusing on The First Work of the Okinawa Trilogy, Nine Scenes on a Bus (1969), The 6th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference: Controversy and Conciliation, Taipei National University of the Arts, 2018/11/3
・Consideration on the Meaning of’ Silence’of Ota Shogo-Focusing on The Water Station(Mizu no eki), The 5th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference In/Out of Asia, Korea National University of Arts Seokwandong Campus, 24 November 2017.
矢野 郁(D3)
・‘The Role of “Dialogue” in Primary Education During the Meiji Era. The 6th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference: Controversy and Conciliation, prceedings, pp.62-69.
・「明治40年代の演劇教育 -巌谷小波と葛原しげるを例に」近現代演劇研究会3月例会, 2019/3/23
・「英語学習での演劇アクティビティ」第2回全国演劇教育研究集会2018年全劇研 in 滋賀・京都, 立命館大学草津キャンパス, 2018/12/22-23.
・The Role of “Dialogue” in Primary Education During the Meiji Era., The 6th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference: Controversy and Conciliation, Taipei National University of the Arts, 2018/11/2
Kastylianchanka Iryna(D3)
・Between truth and consolation: some points in the interpretation of Gorky's The Lower Depths in Japanese theatre.The 6th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference: Controversy and Conciliation, prceedings, pp.8-14.
・Between truth and consolation: some points in the interpretation of Gorky's The Lower Depths in Japanese theatre.The 6th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference: Controversy and Conciliation, Taipei National University of the Arts, 2018/11/2
・The body’s aesthetic in performance: the interpretation of Chekhov’s plays by Motoi Miura, 近現代演劇研究会5・7月合同例会、大阪大学、平成30年7月21日
杉本 亘(D3)
「能楽における「劇場」とは何か --昭和17年後楽園スタヂアムの能楽上演を中心に--」日本演劇学会平成30年度研究集会、静岡文化芸術大学、2018/11/11.
柏木 純子(D3)
岡田 登貴(D3)
瀧尻 浩士(D2)
新井 静(D2)
温 彬(D2)
馮 縁(D2)
井上 美佳(D1)
湯 書華(D1)
佐藤 知果(M2)
馬 照旋(M2)
崔 英源(M1)
波多野 珠喜(M1)

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