Class 13
Education History in Britain




Education in Britain

Title : Education in Britain
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@by Yuki KUROKAWA

First, I introduced the present educational system in England. I showed the system as a table, but this is too complicated. And it was little old one. So I wish I could prepare a better one. There are 4 stages of the educational system. They are called eKey stagef. The compulsory education starts from 5 years old. First, children go to the primary school, and next go to the comprehensive school. The primary school corresponds to the elementary school, and comprehensive school corresponds to the junior high school. When students finish compulsory education, they take an examination for graduation of compulsory education, GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education). On the other hand, private schools in England are called ethe independent schoolf. The public schools are included in them.

œSimple history in 19th century(especially about social class and gender)
Children and young people got the different educations by the class for centuries. In the 19th century, the access of the education was divided by the social class. But the lower class people needed to work to make money. In 1870, the basic educational law was enacted and opened the chances to enter the school for them. And in 1890, the basic education became free. But the goal of this basic education was not to enter the higher school except for becoming a teacher, and this education usually finishes.
As for private schools and grammar schools, these famous schools competed with the new-established ones in the 19th century. Most of these new schools were fostering the specific profession. So in the last of the 19th century, there were over 100 schools called epublic schoolf. But they still limited to the middle-class or the upper class. And in the 20th century, all the children could get the secondary education. By the last of the 19th century, the higher schools were established, called higher grade school or higher elementary school.
Next, Ifd like to introduce the education between the genders. Through the most of the period in England history, men and women were given different roles. Women were refused the chances of the access to the educational system for the profession. Women learned the knowledge and skill for the housework from their mother and they were taught the housework in the school, too. This curriculum taught femineity to girls. In the 19th century, the girls of the middle class and upper class also took the education from parents or governess (woman tutor). The schools for the middle class and upper class are intended only boys or girls. Thus, in the latter of the 19th century, the school for girls which were imitated public school for boys were established. But they usually married after the graduation, as well as women who didnft take enough education.

œThe present educational and historical examination
In this chapter, I introduced the historical examination (from the book at the top of the bibliography).
EThe access and place of education has been expanded. Although there are schools for the particular students, educational inequalities were eliminated.
EThe tendency of the educational expansion was not universal and had a possibility of reverse.
EIt is difficult for English to promote in the society in England. And English donft want to hand over or share the authority.
EThis controversy about English education reflects the existence of two competing models. One is, what we call, the common school for the common national culture. And another is the interference of the modern state \ The Great Britain \ .

Summary of Debate

The Summary of the Question and Answer by Shou Sato(November 7, 2007)

Q. Why did you choose this topic?
A. My interest is problem of Education in Japan.
In addition, British style education attracts attention now.

Q. Did people have to pay school expenses?
A. In 1890, it became free by the law.

Q. Is Public schoolfs expenses free?
A. It is private school, so it cost very much.

Q. From 1890, what kind of education became free?
A. Compulsory education up to 10 years old became free. In the 20th century, it was extended up to 16 years old. Private school is not free.

Q. Did they have to buy textbooks?
A. I donft know.

Q. What subject did boys and girls learn at school? A. Boys learned more intellectual subject than girls.
Girls learned housework subject like cooking and sewing.

Q. Do you believe that?
A. That time I think it may be applied.

Q. Do you have interest in higher education?
A. Ifm interested in compulsory education. Because the compulsory education may express the policy of government at that time.

Q. Do you think primary education is more important than university education?
A. I donft have clear conclusion.


For the presentation of Kurokawa, As Prof. Fujikawa said, she should make her theme narrow. I think that her topic will be interesting with her imagination and efforts.
By Tsumura Syouji

Thank you for your presentation. I could learn from your presentation that when I make a presentation or write a report or an article, I must point out 'when','where','why',or 'what' clearly. And I also have to prepare for the presentation in December. Your presentation inspired me very much. Let's work hard toghetger.
By Chiyada Kie

Your resume was good. I think it was easy for audience to make a question. But I think your presentation was to introduce general ideas, and you didnft explain specific issues. You will focus on a concrete topic. And please present your achievement next time. But----------Ifm in the same situation of you.
By Fujimura Yasuhiro

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