Department of Geography Top Page
SATO, Ren'ya (Ph.D.)
Graduate School of Letters
Osaka University
Japanese Version is Here
[Brief Personal Record]
- SATO is currently a professor of Department of Geography, Graduate School of Letters, Osaka University, who is studying geography, cultural ecology, resource use, subsistence economy, indigenous knowledge and technology, and socio-cultural change of Northeast Africa, East/Southeast Asia and other areas by field work and GIS analysis. He graduated from the Department of Human Geography, Fuculty of Letters, Kyoto University in 1991 and received his Ph.D. from Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto
University in 1999.
[His Main Interest]
- Population dynamics and life histories of small scale societies.
- Land use/forest dynamics of shifting cultivators in tropics.
- Relationship among fertility, nutrition and subsistence in small scale societies.
- Archival research of maps and aerial photographs and its application to studies on environmental history.
- Regional studies of Ethiopia, China and Laos.
- SATO, R.(2008)African area
studies by Japanese geographers, 1987-2007. Geographical Review of Japan.
R. (2007)Dynamics of Subsistence and Reproduction among the Majangir: Preliminary Report on Demographic Reconstruction. Paper
submitted in the 17th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, held
at Trondheim.
- Y.Teramoto, R.Sato, and S.Ueda.
(2005)Characteristics of fermentation yeast isolated from traditional
Ethiopian honey wine, ogol. African Journal of Biotechnology4(2), pp.160-163.
- SATO, R. (2002) Evangelical
Christianity and Ethnic Consciousness in Majangir.
In James, W. et al. (eds). Remapping Ethiopia.
Oxford: James & Currey Publishers,
- SATO, R. (1999) "Swidden Agriculture with mulch technology", In
Fukui, K.(ed.), Rethinking Swidden Agruculture, Showado
Publishers. (in Japanese)
- SATO, R. (1997)
"Christianization through Villagization:
Experiences of Social Change among the Majangir",
In Fukui, K., Kurimoto, E. and Shigeta M. (eds). Ethiopia in Broader Perspective. vol.2: 565-576.
- SATO R. (1995)
"Seasonal Labor Allocation and Diversification Strategy of Swidden Agricultural System: A Report from the Majangir, Southwest Ethiopia", Human Geography
47-6, pp.541-561. (in Japanese)
- SATO R. (1995) Swidden Agricultural System among the Majangir, a Surmic People in
Southwestern Ethiopia, M.A. Thesis, Fuculty
of Letters, Kyoto University. (in Japanese)
- SATO R. (1994)"Uti Kaari!: Another Coffee Drinking Custom
in Ethiopian Forest , in Higashi Africa Yuuwaku
Dokuhon, Takarajima-sha,
pp.136-139. (in Japanese)