Class 9
History of Ecology

by Seiichi Fukue

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History of Ecology

History of Ecology
             by Seiichi Fukue
  T.The definition of ecology
1, Political ecology is normally philosophy.And it has the world view which doesn’t allow a reform which is partly. And they believe that they can come to truth and they expect its possibility.
2, They are scaring waste.Non-humanism. They think that human-being should not been preceded moral nature.
3, They want to reform the relation human,society and themselves with world.They are motivated by religious sense that is in front of scientific intelligence about human-world, natural beauty and order.

  U.The origin of ecology
1, spirit of ecology:In the middle of19c science replaced religion and the belief that the God made the world for human is denied .And they thought that if the God isn’t human should manage the earth and should have responsibility to the earth.
2, general biology made by Ernst Heinrich Hackel , a Germany zoologist: Hackel thought that all organism is one , because they are all made of atoms , including human-being. So human isn’t superior to any other organism. In other word, this means non-humanism. And he believed nature is the origin of the truth and human should live obeying nature.
3, energy economics:Wilhelm Ostwald thinks the energy we can use free can diminish, but it can’t gain. And the result is waste. So we should preserve the energy. This though is very inspired by the idea of entropy.

  V.Many kind of development of ecologism
  ・unification of ecology and energy economics
・country college was planned
・forest school founded in 1928
・boy scout
・English country preservation organization was founded in 1928 1930s
・soil preservation association was founded

  W. Nazi and ecologism
1, ecology and anti-jewish:Ecologist hated consumption, capitalism and “money power” and Jewish had much to do with bank and finance firms. So most of them hated Jewish.
2, some ecologically politics of fascism administration except German and criticism about it:
・In Italy Mussolini cherished the peasantry and he thought the peasant is a pillar of the nation. But he also emphasized to  make airport and port. So he can’t be said he put importance in agriculture, but he didn’t care preserving nature.
・In France, Bramwel said French fascism denied nature. But Vichy government emphasized agriculture. But it may be because of influence of Nazi.
3, ecologically politics of Nazi
 A.The people who supported Nazi were "Greens"
 B.Hitler was vegetarian
 C.Himler was against for anatomy of living organism and founded firm to test organic farming
 D.Alvin Seifert who made outbarn was against for land development
 E.Nazi was the only government insisted to forest preservation in 1930s
4, relationship between Hitler and ecologism
Spme people criticize Hackel and ecologism as an ideology of Nazi,but Bramwel opposed
 A.Hitler was against for enlightenment diffrent from hackel
 B.There is no proove that Hitler knew Hackel
 C.Hackel was anti-war but Hitler caused war
 D.Hitler didn't like "Greens" in his party very much

Summary of Debate

History of Ecology
Questions & Answers summarized by Sho Sato

Q. What kind of reform?
A. They want to reform the world completely.
Q. What means “they believed that they can come to truth”?
A. They believed truth is in nature. So they believed that if they live ecologically, they can come to truth with in nature.
Q. What does “moral” mean?
A. Order in nature.
Q. Was anti-Jewish movement developed by ecologist?
A. Not all, but ecologists had the aspect anti-Jewish. Ecologists didn’t like capitalism and money. So they were easy to become anti-Jewish.
Q. Are you interested in development of ecology in German?
A. Yes. Other countries have little history of ecology. But German have more ecological history than any other country.
Q. Do you think the Germany is the main field to study the history of ecology?
A. Yes, I think so.
Q. In the theory of ecology, how do they treat agriculture?
A. Ecologist say agriculture is important. It is not industry.
Q. Do ecologists think that human beings should be go back to primitive life?
A. Yes. However many people can’t do so. So ecologists allow agriculture, but they don’t like to use machine or chemical for agriculture.
Q. What is background of developing ecology in German?
A. German people originally have ecological sense.
Q. To become ecologist, should one become like Nazi?
A. Indeed, Nazi did some ecological politics, but I think Nazi isn’t directly related to ecology. So if you want to be ecologist, you don’t have to participate in Nazi.

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