Teaching Staff

The instructor in charge of specialized education for international students handles consultation regarding research and study. Most research results are written as a report and the contents of that report are evaluated and this instructor offers support to ensure that all international students’ experience in Japan goes as smoothly as possible.

A specialized instructor for international students
TOJO Kana's Office  (located on the second floor of the School of Letters’ main building, next to the elevator)

Support 1: Japanese Language Class

Course Title: “Writing Research Papers”: Fri. 2nd period (2 credits)

Students learn the fundamental elements necessary for writing a research paper, including: the structure of a research paper, rules for citation, how to state opinions, logical paragraph construction, and Japanese academic phrasing.

Course Title: “Academic Japanese in Use” Wed. 4th period (2 credits)

This course focuses on building the language skills, argument styles, and comprehension necessary to participate in specialized lectures, discussions and academic conferences in Japan.

Support 2: Office Hours

  • Fri: 15:10- 16:40

Anything relating to research or study can be discussed here. Here you can find answers to questions regarding one’s research like, “What should I research?” “How do I go about identifying a topic?” “What kind of assertion should I make?” Students who want to express their own ideas or discuss their research subjects are also welcome.

Consultation is also available outside of the listed office hours. Please call or e-mail to schedule an appointment.