※ 比較デザイン学研究会 Creative Miscommunication

  • 研究
  • 文学部・文学研究科をめざす方へ
  • 在学生の方へ
  • 卒業生・修了生の方へ
  • 企業・一般の方へ
  • 教職員の方へ
  • 留学生の方へ
  • 日時: 2018年1月29日(月) 11:00-12:00   13:00-17:30
  • 場所: 大阪大学豊中キャンパス 全学教育総合棟 2階
    ステューデントコモンズ セミナー室 A
  • 主催: 大阪大学 文学研究科 比較デザイン学クラスター
  • 後援: 大阪大学 CO デザインセンター
  • お問い合わせ:大阪大学美学研究室 ※発表は英語でおこないます。

YouTube でのお知らせ

Creative (Mis)Communication
コミュニケーション ねじれる/うみだす/つながる



Opening Remarks
Introduction to Creative Miscommunication

Yorimitsu HASHIMOTO (Osaka University)
In Praise of the Hands or the Mind?
An Episode in Smiles’s Self-Help and Its Hybridization with Zen

Christof BREIDENICH (Macromedia University, Cologne)
Designing Sovereignty:
Demands on the Theory and Practice of How to Handle Uncertainty

Haruhiko FUJITA (Osaka University)
Marcel Breuer: Design and Communication

Hideo TOMITA (Kyushu Sangyo University)
Architect and Artist Collaboration:
Yoshiro Taniguchi and Isamu Noguchi at Banraisha

Hitoshi TANAKA (Osaka University)
Embodying (Mis)interpretation or Embodied Deception?
Yasumasa Morimura’s Portrait Series

Kosuke TSUCHIDA (Osaka University)
Communication based on “Misreading”: From Renga to Chanoyu

Keisuke TAKAYASU (Osaka University)
Learning from Typographic Art: Poetry and Communication

Communication is often asymmetrical. In many cases, the gap between the transmitter and the receiver is unavoidable. Miscommunication is more of a rule than an exception. Therefore, we can learn more about the nature of communication from cases of unsuccessful communication than from the successful ones. This concern is not limited to just inter-personal relationship; our perspective should also encompass cultural history. Let us recall the gaps in understanding in the historical transmissions as well as in the cultural influences between regions. We can reexamine any kind of misunderstanding not as a failure, but as a creative act.

Art is a special form of communication. Certainly, works of art are communicative media. However, they do not always reflect the artist’s, the transmitter’s, intention. The narrative subject in art is ambiguous because works of art communicate with us more or less independently of the artist. Besides, we need remember that art is not a true reflection of our reality; it is an experimental field of communication. Our concern focuses on how art betrays our expectations, alters the original meaning, and creates new relationships. We will discuss about the complexity of cultural communication with Prof. Christof Breienich, from Cologne, Germany.

項目 内容
日時 2018年1月29日